Testing the new iPhone 15 Pro with Harvest Moon

Cameras of the iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro

I went to San Francisco to pick up my iPhone 15 Pro on the launch day, September 22, 2023. The primary advantages of this model over the previous ones are USB-C support and reduced weight. Unless you were getting a Pro Max version, the camera on the Pro series did not get much of a hardware improvement. So when I decided to do some comparison shots with the Harvest Moon photography during the Chuseok holidays, I chose some older models - iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro.

The Moon shots on September 28, 2023 taken with iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro

There were expectedly some notable quality differences between the three models. While iPhone 11 Pro does have a three-lens setup like the rest, the telephoto lens is only capable of 2x zoom. As a result, the size of the Moon in the photo was the smallest and least detailed. Both iPhone 13 Pro and 15 Pro have the 3x zoom lens on them, but for some reason the 15 Pro shot a consistently sharper image. Perhaps a slight hardware and software processing differences were at play. In the end, the latest was indeed the best.

Further details of the shooting sessions have been outlined in a separate video.


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