Today’s “The Toon-Box”
Posted by Wesley on
Happy New Year - It's 2025!
Posted by Wesley on2024 has been a complicated year, especially towards the end. I hope the year 2025 will be able to resolve a lot of loose ends and make fresh starts. Here's a photo of the sunrise that I took from my home in Naju to calm you over. Happy new year, everyone!
If you want to see the sunrise as it happened in real-time, here's a video I uploaded.
Device: iPhone 16 Pro
Settings: 120 mm equiv. - ISO 40 - 1/3195s - f/2.8
Time: 2025-01-01 07:56 KST
Location: Naju, Korea
Today’s “The Toon-Box”
Posted by Wesley onHonoured at the 1st Annual Jeonjinsa Awards
Posted by Wesley on
On December 23, 2024, Korea Electric Vehicle User Association (KEVUA), with the support of the Ministry of Environment, held the 1st Annual Jeonjinsa Awards ceremony at Lotte Signiel Seoul Grand Ballroom. Jeonjinsa is the shorthand for "People Who are Serious about Electric Vehicles". This was a monthly event in 2023, but it was turned into an annual one this year to recognize a much more broad scope of people who aimed to push the era of electric vehicles closer in various aspects.
Of the ten categories selected, I was honoured with the "EV Info Sharing Award". The award committee recognized my works such as my book (Electric Car Common Sense Dictionary) and my YouTube channel as being helpful in enabling general public to learn about EVs.
The event has been covered in some news outlets:
- Electric Times
- Munhwa News
- Biz World