2009 comes to an end

Well, this is it. 2009 is almost history. Lots of things happened. Important people died, economy was in turmoil, and man... The flu scare. But lots of good things happened as well. I have a cute daughter now, and I got my iPhone to write this post on, among other things.

I wonder if I can return to posting Toon-Box soon. I have lots of things on my hands now that the whole thing was put on the back burner. Oh well...

So long, the year of the bull. Happy new year!

Out for the week with flu

The government-reserve supply of Tamiflu

Well, I thought I'd never see, let alone take in the extremely popular drug that's sweeping the nation - Tamiflu - in person. The so-called Swine Flu, 'New Flu', or Influenza A (H1N1), as it is formally called, is spreading out all over the world in epic proportions, and it turns out that I'm not one of the lucky ones to avoid it.

I've been having hot fever since last Sunday, and the body temperature had been creeping up for two days, peaking around 39.1C. Seeing that this isn't how my usual fevers go, I paid a visit to the local hospital to get a check-up. Quick (1-hour result) test showed that I was positive for the Flu A. I was prescribed Tamiflu, but in order for me to get a sick leave from work, I needed a formal, written diagnosis from a central hospital. So I went to one that's closest to home, and I got that as well. The paperwork was faxed to the company, and now I'm locked in at home for the week.

I still feel pretty lousy. Thanks to the ton of other medicine in addition to Tamiflu, the major symptoms have subsided for now, but that's not enough to make me feel normal. Hopefully, all will return normal in a few days.

She's here at last!

Isn't she lovely?

After nine months of waiting, and 7 hours of labour later, my first child has come out to the world. We've decided to call her Celine. Born on 10:33AM Korea Standard Time, she weighs 2.6155kg and is 45.8cm tall right now. She's really tired right now just like her mom, but I'm hoping to see her smile soon.

First baby is almost here!

I'm waiting outside the local hospital's delivery room as the nurses get to prepare my wife for delivering our first baby. She's been having acute contractions since around midnight and couldn't sleep, so I drove her to the hospital to check the progress... and the nurse told me that we'll probably see the newborn by this morning.

I hope all goes well. It's exactly one week earlier than expected.

Tmax Window 9: Korea's answer to MS Windows?

Tmax Window 9 - the cardboard box. Where's the real thing?

Well, a Korean software company called TmaxSoft is announcing their latest product, Tmax Window today at Grand Intercontinental Hotel in downtown Seoul. For some bizarre reason, this version 1.0 software starts off at version 9. That's hardly the most bizarre part of it all. The company is claiming full compatibility with existing Microsoft Windows operating system, and is even offering their own office and web browser, each supposedly fully compatible with Microsoft Office Internet Explorer, along with it.

I wonder how much of this is true? We'll find out soon enough.

Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.