Server transition nearly complete
Posted by Wesley on
The recently acquired 24-inch iMac system will be the new server for future hosting of website. The site has seen significant back-end updates (I think the comment function is un-broken now, for example) with the transition. However, I'm not willing to completely turn things over just yet.
Therefore, iMac will be connected on line for the time being while final testing is done. Old site on Mac mini will still be on line, but it will not be updated. All new entries will be put on the new server as of July 9, 2008. The testing is in progress if you're looking at this entry and are at instead of

One of the things that didn't quite work was the image uploading part. After about 3 hours of struggling, it seems to be functioning correctly. Hopefully, this will be the last show-stopper.
Therefore, iMac will be connected on line for the time being while final testing is done. Old site on Mac mini will still be on line, but it will not be updated. All new entries will be put on the new server as of July 9, 2008. The testing is in progress if you're looking at this entry and are at instead of

Image uploading works now, apparently.
One of the things that didn't quite work was the image uploading part. After about 3 hours of struggling, it seems to be functioning correctly. Hopefully, this will be the last show-stopper.