MadOnion Releases 3DMark2001 SE, where I work as moderator in the forums and the chatroom, has released the new version of their coveted 3DMark2001 benchmark! I have received the files early so I was able to play around with it firsthand, and I can say it's a lot smoother than the initial release. :-) The new version supports DirectX 8.1 as well as Pixel Shader 1.4, as this official screenshot shows. You guys can now download it from my mirror. Click here for the 40MB download.

N-Bench Upload

Hey, here's a cool thing to try when you're bored. N-Bench from AMD Japan! It's very 3D-oriented like 3DMark from and the interface looks like them, too! :-) I've uploaded this gem HERE. Update: The file has been taken down to free up server space.

MadOnion 3DMark2001 Teaser

There will be a portable Athlon article soon. Meanwhile, I received this teaser screenshot from which seems to be from their upcoming 3DMark2001 benchmark! :-) CLICK HERE to see it!

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