싸이버뱅크 CP-X501 출시

CP-X501 (앞) / MITs-M4300 (뒤)

싸이버뱅크의 최신 PDA폰이 공식 출시되었습니다. CP-X501로 불리는 이 기기는 상당한 판매고를 올린 CP-X301의 후속작으로써 현재 출시된 WM2003 기반 PDA폰 중 가장 작습니다. 지금 가지고 있는 기종은 싸이버뱅크에서 테스트용으로 받은 것입니다. 자세한 내용은 나중에...


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이 링크는 클릭하기 위한 것이 아닙니다. 본문의 트랙백 URI을 담고 있습니다. 이 URI을 통해서 여러분의 블로그에서 이 블로그로 핑 및 트랙백을 보낼 수 있습니다. 링크를 복사하려면 오른쪽 클릭을 한 뒤 인터넷 익스플로러에서는 "바로가기 복사"를, 모질라에서는 "링크 위치 복사"를 선택하십시오.

The voice of pdaclub 작성일: : FOMA 최초의 슬라이드 폰 D901i

"FOMA 최초의 슬라이드 폰 D901i" 계속 읽기
mini sd를 사용하고 슬라이드 방식등, 사이버뱅크에서 출시할 포즈 X501과 유사하여 관심이 갑니다. 스트레오 사운드에 2메가 픽셀의 ccd 카메라 내장,약2.4인치 26만2144색TFT액정(QVGA), OS는 심비안이 들어갔습니다. mini sd로 동영상 촬영하여 TV로 볼수 있다는 광고성 멘트가 있습니다. 이미지 출처: ITmedia...

Wesley's Tool-Box 작성일: : Getting the CP-X501

"Getting the CP-X501" 계속 읽기
Cyberbank released a few boxes of their new POZ series of PDA-phone, the CP-X501, to the beta testers and related people last Friday, as my previous post has shown. Since I was in the mood to post the pics, here are some chronologically ordered photos you


덧글 표시 방식: 나열 형태 | 엮은 형태

pdaclub 작성일: :

헉~ utf8인걸 미처 체크 못했네요.. 죄송하지만 첫번째 깨진 트랙백 삭제좀..
직접 만드신 블로그인가요? 깔금하니 좋네요.. x501이 이렇게 늦게 출시될줄은 전혀 상상도 못했습니다.

KyleKorea 작성일: :

I feel it is necessary to warn you guys not to buy from this company.

I purchased an x301 from them in the summer of 2004. Shortly after, it required service and again 4 times until it was replaced in March 2005. I had demanded my money back but they ignored me and replaced it. The new unit then required service about a month later for the same problems as the first unit. It dialed the wrong speed dial numbers, turned off when buttons were pushed, had very poor reception, to name the major issues.

They still refuse to refund me even though again, in August it had the same issues. They tested it and said there is no problem and that the model is stable. They said there were no problems this time around, but nonetheless, it was serviced, updated and so on.

Be careful if you ever consider buying their products. They have some good features, but the faults can cause you some big problems - like calling the wrong people.


Wesley 작성일: :

The previous model, X301, indeed had some technical issues in some cases, although in my experience the X301 never had any problems with the power or dialing. Looks like the problems described above is directly caused by a faulty CDMA module.

I am not doubting KyleKorea's claim (Cyberbank's outsourced service centers leave much to be desired, even in my experience), but to Cyberbank's defense the past models did not have nearly as much issues, and as I see it the trouble arose when X301 became too popular for the company to handle and things got out of hand. Mind you, I've either used or known closely about PDA phones from other companies as well, and they had their own can of worms and reports of suboptimal treatment by the service centers from other users.

If Cyberbank had learned anything while dealing with X301, then I'm thinking X501 would fare much better.

덧글 추가

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