Okay, that wasn't so bad...

The old news blurbs have been copied to here as well. The internal/external link restoration policy have been the same as the articles. The whole archive looks 'complete' now. Next up is to set up a custom design.

A few things to note:
- The whole 'old site' archive, in the new format, takes up exactly 100 pages total, spanning from 1997 to 2003.
- Most of the actual content were published between 2000 and 2002, which corresponds to my university undergrad days.
- There had been a failed attempt to revive the Tool-Box site back in 2003, which is when I completed Pyongyang Metro website. I guess I lost steam mid-way.
- The start of the hiatus period, around late 2002, is when I started using a PDA-phone (MITs-M330; acquired on 2002-10-23).
- There was a third Portable Athlon, created in January 2004. Had the site revival gone through it might have appeared on the Tool-Box site.

There are a whole bunch of ramblings and back stories that had happened between 2003 and 2005, and perhaps, they might actually make it to this website. Don't take my word for it, though...


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