Don't let a rat run the country

This did not end well. Rest in peace, President Roh.

As I have said before, 2009 was going to be a massive trainwreck. To prove I was right, the current Korean government headed by Lee Myung-Bak ('the rat', as many of us call him because he was inaugurated on the year of the rat, 2008) outdid themselves today by virtually murdering the former president Roh Moo-Hyun.

Late Mr. Roh committed suicide this morning by throwing himself off a cliff near his retirement home. Ever since he stepped out of office last year, he had been up against a barrage of efforts led by the current government to tarnish his reputation and undo everything he had stood for. It must have been incredibly frustrating and tiring all this time. Obviously, he was driven to death. An indirect murdering of character. There is no other explanation.

And yet, the police is preventing people from gathering around memorial altars set up at various places right now because 'it may turn into an illegal riot.' Just... wow. This government has a knack for pouring oil on fire. We can't even mourn for him?

This... this is why you shouldn't let a rat run the country. I think it's time for a rat trap.


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