Korean localizations in s9y SVN/CVS

The Korean localization data I've done is now in the main trunk of the s9y SVN at BerliOS, so it should be readily available starting with next release. The plugins' localizations are also in their respective SourceForge CVS trees. I recommend that the folks needing the localizations get them from these distributions from now on, since I now have access for updating them there.

s9y BerliOS SVN (language file in trunk/lang/)
s9y plugins SourceForge CVS


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Wesley's Tool-Box on : The Tool-Box custom s9y pack

Continue reading "The Tool-Box custom s9y pack"
The Tool-Box custom s9y pack contains various modifications done to plugins as well as the Toolbox theme that I made for use with this website. All files ending with 'copy' are original versions of the files. Unzip the whole thing and copy the files to th

Wesley's Tool-Box on : The Tool-Box custom s9y pack

Continue reading "The Tool-Box custom s9y pack"
The Tool-Box custom s9y pack contains various modifications done to plugins as well as the Toolbox theme that I made for use with this website. All files ending with 'copy' are original versions of the files. Unzip the whole thing and copy the files to th


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