Sun - ISS Transit Captured

Composite photo of the ISS transiting the Sun
Int'l Space Station passes in front of the Sun

Proving that the prediction data from CalSky is pretty accurate, I was able to capture the International Space Station (ISS) making a pass in front of the Sun using my Canon SX50 HS with my hand-made sun filter yesterday afternoon. My dad was watching the phenomenon with binoculars next to me, but the transit only took a little more than a second, so neither of us were sure of observing it until the proof was found in the captures. A total of three photos contained the silhouette of ISS in the backdrop of the Sun.

Original size composite of the ISS transiting the Sun
Big Composite

Clicking the above shows the Sun (30 frames from the observation stacked with RegiStax ) and ISS captures composed into one in its original resolution.

Clicking the bottom shows the original frames of the capture.
Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 1200mm - ISO 250 - 1/1600s
Time: 2013-08-16 16:50:38 KST
Location: Near Bomunho Lake, Gyeongju, Korea

Sun-ISS transit capture #1
Sun-ISS transit capture #2
Sun-ISS transit capture #3
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Wesley's Tool-Box on : Sun - ISS transit seen at home

Continue reading "Sun - ISS transit seen at home"
ISS passing in front of the Sun, annotated Celine takes pics of the SunFull composite of the transitWhile I have observed the International Space Station (ISS) making a pass in front of the Sun before, it was at a resort far away from home. Yesterday, I


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