You're not helping, smog

Smog filling the night sky
Shooting photos of the celestrial objects in a big city come with lots of limitations. Two most notable hindrances are the skyline and light pollution. Tall buildings outright block the view of the lower parts of the sky, while the light pollution makes the sky fuzzy and make it hard to see dim stars, especially near the horizon.

Of course, I'm willing to put up with that. Lots of trial and errors taught me how far I can get away with it. But that's all about static conditions. Weather is dynamic. Not all days are clear. Clouds come and go. So I check the weather forecast and decide when to prepare for a shoot.

But now there's another thing that's throwing a wrench into my observation, and that is this yellow smog that's been coming in for a couple of weeks so far. Even on a clear day, the smog dissipates urban lighting in the sky and compound the light pollution. It's bad for breathing and bad for observation. I hope it clears up soon.
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