Building Makibox (Part 3)

The assembled Makibox A6 HT

While a lot of people were celebrating the turn of the year on the night of the New Year's Day, I was putting the rest of the outer panels on Makibox and making adjustments on the panels that were already installed. With that, the assembly of the printer was complete. However, the work is far from over.

Last panel goes in

Shinetsu silicone grease

I bought a tube of silicone grease on the last evening of 2013, and applied it to the axes of the fully assembled printer. While it did make movements slightly better, movement still gets stuck at the far end. Upon various observations, the problem seems to stem from the axes not being strictly perpendicular.

I'm planning to make and insert some shims under the holding bars to see if this could be remedied. If this works out, I'm going to try leveling the printing bed and proceed with first test prints.
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