3D-Printed Ocarina

A handy Ocarina printed with Makibox

Musical instruments must be shaped and tuned right to have proper sound coming out of them. If a 3D design of an instrument is shaped right, a 3D printer that can accurately reproduce it would make a properly working version, then. Makibox had been working reasonably, provided that I don't push it too far. So I wanted to see if it was up to the challenge. The result is what you see here.

Looks alright, doesn't it? But can it make any sound at all? I'll let you see (and hear) for yourself with this video.

Read on to see the steps taken to make one.

First, print the top half

The prints are based on an ocarina design posted at Thingiverse. I tried the one with built-in support, but it didn't print very nicely, so I just decided to print without any support at all.

Air hole is visible

After the top half was printed, I cleared up printing artifacts, so that the inside is smooth and the airway isn't blocked.

Printing the bottom half

Then the bottom half was printed.

Top and bottom are ready

After checking to see if it made a sound by putting the two halves together, they were glued together permanently.

The completed ocarina

And there you have it.
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