To Nogodan in Jirisan

More Mountain

Even after passing the tollgate, we were still somewhat far away from the main destination, Nogodan, one of the mountains that comprise Jirisan. It is 1,507 meters high, and the name originates from the mountain having the altar (sindan, shortened to 'dan') for Seondoseongmo (honorifically shortened to 'Nogo'). Nogo is the mother of Park Hyeokgeose, the legendary founder of Silla Kingdom (57BC - 935AD).

As we drove by, the road was swerving along with a river next to it.

National Park

And finally we came to the Jirisan National Park.


Shortly after passing the sign, there were a couple of nice waterfalls on the nearby river. Lots of people gathered around to cool off the hot waves of summer.

Wesley and the Other Waterfall

And I didn't forget to take a picture of myself.

Toll booth

Further up, there was a toll booth. I guess we were in the 'real' part of the national park from this point.

More River

Meanwhile, the river hasn't gone anywhere yet.


Along the way there was a big camping ground. Usually you'll see normal cars with tents. Trailer homes are still rare.

Curved Road

Now the road had started to swerved around, meaning that we were climbing up the mountain. The road sign told us to go along the main road.

1,000m Up

We passed the '1,000 meters above sea level' mark.


There was also a 'beware of wildlife' sign featuring a squirrel.

Cellphone Tower

When we arrived at the entrance point of the passage to the top of Nogodan, a cellphone tower decorated as a tree greeted us.


And some dragonflies were taking a rest on the wall in the parking lot. I felt lucky that I could photograph a dragonfly up so close.

Next, we'll be climbing.


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