Wesley's World cleaned up

The old Wesley's World has been cleaned up and the pages redirect to here. The duplicate/no-longer-used image/data files have been deleted from the old site as well. Currently the only website running at the old site is Pyongyang Metro.

Rambling about a 'good' site design

This is entirely my opinion on what I think is a good website design.

- Avoid Flash as much as possible
I sometimes come across websites that havethe menus or even the entire layout of the website based entirely on Macromedia Flash. But I seriously doubt if any of these cannot be done with a scripting language or DHTML. Also, Flash poses some limitations on what platform and computer speed it can be run on. One should not assume that a good-looking website can only be done with Flash.
Continue reading "Rambling about a 'good' site design"

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