Current state of the desktop

Full Deck

By request, here's the current state of the desktop. Picture was taken with MITs-M4300 which is now out of the official 'desk item', so now the digital camera on the lower right of the screen is now visible.

Cyberbank CP-X501 is out

CP-X501 (Front) / MITs-M4300 (Back)

The latest PDA-phone from Cyberbank has officially debuted. Dubbed CP-X501, succeeding the best-selling CP-X301, is the smallest WM2003-based PDA-phone to hit the market. The unit I have was given by Cyberbank for a test-out. More on this coming soon, I think.

Guestbook added

Yes, there's now a guestbook so you can say hi to me. :-)

Google quicksearch plug-in

Since s9y's default quicksearch plug-in indexes only the default language, Korean versions of the pages were mostly ignored. But because Google indexes the website every couple of days, including the Korean pages, I've decided to make the Google search function into a plug-in. It appears in the sidebar looking like the quicksearch, but the search results page is generated by Google. For best results and functionality, it is recommended to be used with a Google AdSense account.

Google Quicksearch plug-in is downloadable at SourceForge CVS.

Sparrow sightings

Something on the sidewalk?

Sparrows are easy to see around here. There are flocks of them. You can't get close to them easily, though. They usually fly away when they notice you from 10 feet away. Also, they don't sit still. These are the best efforts so far on trying to photograph them.
Continue reading "Sparrow sightings"

Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.