Moving to new home

I got a new house to live in a bit south of where I'm currently living in. Since I use two internet connections, one of them was relocated to the new house. Sadly, the place does not yet get FTTH service, so I'm reverted to VDSL Lite speed of relatively slow 12Mbps down / 4Mbps up. That'll have to do for now, but a call to ISP may be in order for boosting speed...

Anyways, it seems that the disconnecting of that line disrupted the line connecting to the webserver as well, at least temporarily. The DNS updater stopped working in the meanwhile, so the website experienced unintended downtime. That was weird, but I got around to fixing it.

The Toon-Box may be on a hiatus for a couple of days because the computer I work on to create it is offline, pending relocation. That means website is offline as well. Hopefully, all will go well and I should have stuff back online before the week is over.

Today's "The Toon-Box"

Today's "The Toon-Box"

Today's "The Toon-Box"

Today's "The Toon-Box"

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