Snow Leopard is here, but...

Snow Leopard retail box. Growl...

Bringing newest development in the age-old war of the operating systems, Mac OS X 10.6, better known as Snow Leopard, came out last Friday, almost 2 months before Microsoft Windows 7 officially hits the shelves.

I've already gotten my hands on Windows 7 via TechNet+ subscription, and a copy has been happily running on the main laptop at home for about 2 weeks now. So it is natural that I would like to jump into Snow Leopard as soon as possible to see what improvements this release brings to my iMac. But since the iMac is a mission-critical system, I compiled a list of compatibility for the Mac software I have, using Snow Leopard Compatibility List at Wikidot as the primary source and then checking the developer's website to double-check.

Of the 100 software (the round number is purely coincidental):

Compatible - 54
In Progress - 6
Incompatible - 11
Unknown - 29

I'm expecting at least half of the 'unknown' ones to be compatible, so that's about 70% compatiblity right at the release time. The problem has to do with the 11 incompatible ones. Half of these software are being used daily, and I consider them to be rather important. So they need to be made compatible before I make the big move.

In conclusion, I'm holding off the transition for about two weeks until the dust is settled. Sigh...

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