First sunrise of 2024 from Bitgaram City

Sun rises over Naju Bitgaram City on January 1, 2024

2023 had been another interesting year. In terms of travelling around the world, things have gotten almost back to the levels of pre-pandemic levels. This allowed me to visit many new places as well as revisit some old ones. But for watching the first sunrise of the year, nothing is more comfortable than doing it right at home. Thankfully, skies were almost totally clear, allowing my phone to capture the scene with clarity. Like the photo, I hope everyone has a bright year ahead of you.

For the full 12-minute progress (sped up 4 times) of the sunrise, check out the video that I uploaded.

Device: iPhone 15 Pro
Settings: 77mm equiv. - ISO 25 - 1/469s - f/2.8
Time: 2024-01-01 08:00 KST
Location: Naju, Korea
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