Apple Watch Series 2 and iPhone 7 Plus are here

Apple Watch Series 2 Stainless Steel, iPhone 7 Plus, and iPhone 7 lined up

While the iPhone 7 I got from Japan was busy getting reviewed, the iPhone 7 Plus and the Apple Watch Series 2 I asked my friend Andy in the United States to preorder for me was traveling around the world. The 7 Plus in particular was actually stuck in here South Korea for a while in transit from China to United States due to shipping issues. Once it landed in the States, Andy sent it back across the Pacific so I could have it in my hands. And that's why it took three weeks to arrive.

Packaging weight: 460g for iPhone 7 Plus, 880g for Apple Watch Series 2 Stainless Steel

The box for the iPhone 7 Plus is the same size as the one for 6S Plus, but with the same new design as the 7. It seems the new Apple Watch Series 2 also come in the same-sized box as the previous version. I ordered a Stainless Steel one this time, unlike the Aluminum (Sport) version last year and was a bit surprised how heavy the box was. Shipping weight was 1.2kg for the watch and 0.5kg for the phone; even with the shipment box removed the boxes weighed 880g and 460g, respectively.

Inside the plastic box containing Apple Watch Series 2 Stainless Steel

I found out that most of all that weight comes from the protective plastic box that held the Apple Watch in place in a stylish manner. I suppose it's supposed to justify the expensive price. It does make me wonder if I should use this box somehow because it would be a waste otherwise. One other thing I noticed was that it came with a shorter charging cable than before - 1m instead of 2m.

Inside the iPhone 7 Plus packaging

On the other hand, iPhone 7 Plus doesn't have that sort of fluff because the phone itself already has the 'premium'. You just get the phone and the usual accessories (earphones, charging cable, and a charger). Now that everything is here, I need to come up with some ideas to test these out...
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