The impeachment is complete

My kids at the rally and candlelight vigil held near Cheongwadae, December 3, 2016

Less than an hour ago, the Supreme Court approved the motion to impeach the Korean President Park Geun-Hye decided by the National Assembly on December 9, 2016. Much of the nation had been calling for her resignation or impeachment for several months due to the corruption and mishandling of national affairs. That included the rally and candlelight vigil held just a week prior to the National Assembly's motion, which saw more than two million people gathering (including my family) near Cheongwadae, the presidential palace in Seoul. We still have a long way to go, but at least we're moving forward. That's a good thing.
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Wesley's Tool-Box on : Wish fulfilled with the arrest

Continue reading "Wish fulfilled with the arrest"
My kids held up signs saying "Arrest Park Geun-Hye" at the rally on December 3, 2016 Early this morning, Park Geun-Hye has been arrested on multiple charges including bribery. She had been ousted from presidency just 3 weeks ago. Millions of people, incl


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