The most up-to-date biography I've seen yet

I got this biography of Moon Jae-in in the mail and it says this 2nd print came out on May 18, 2017... which is today

Moon Jae-in became the 19th President of the Republic of Korea on the morning of May 10, 2017 immediately after the confirmation of his win in the snap election. Naturally, lots of books written by or related to him were flooding out to the bookstores to capitalize on the occasion. For my kids, I ordered this cartoon biography targeted for young readers (who? special - Moon Jae-in) online yesterday.

To my surprise, the publisher was very keen to have the book updated. The 1st print of this book only came out on March 7 of this year, a few days before the constitutional court upheld the impeachment of Park Geun-Hye. This meant that they were pretty confident of how the events would play out around when the National Assembly approved the motion to impeach last December and started to get the book ready. The 2nd print was dated May 18, which is today, implying that I got one of the first shipments of the even more updated version.

...and on the last pages of the book, it says clearly that he had been elected as the President, which happened just a week ago

Indeed, this print of the book ends with Moon officially becoming the president. The 1st print had the same pictures but with a somewhat placeholder caption, so the publisher apparently anticipated the results and did a quick edit after the election was over. I have to say, I was quite impressed.
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