That instant noodle from China

There's a female student in my lab who's from China. She brings some interesting food items from there when she goes back home for the holidays and come back. This noodle she brought had been sitting in the fridge for a few months, but I decided to try it since I was feeling adventurous.

The unwrapped cup. She says it's supposed to be chicken flavoured.

Now that's a huge pair of chopsticks! Would I need that?

Well, no, they supply it with a foldable fork and some soup pouches.

The oily soup, which I can't quite make out what it is (never saw it with Korean noodles) and the freeze-dried vegetable pellets.

The third pouch had this powdered soup. I guess this does the 'chicken flavour'.

All aboard!

Poured hot water. Waiting...

And it's ready. Not bad looking...

The noodle felt okay, and had a sort of intended chicken flavour to it. The soup was kinda too oily, though. The scent is quite different to usual Korean noodles - more similar to the Japanese noodles.

And I'm done. Overall, it was pretty edible, but I wouldn't eat this every day. I eventually went out for an iced tea to wash out the taste.


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Andy on :

Ok dude... that looks good! Tell her to bring back a few things like that for me on her next trip!!! Then you can mail them to me with some Korean stuff... and Japanese if you happen to be in Japan any time soon!!

cammy on :

You get those crazy oil sachets with Shin cups, quite possibly Korea's finest export. And if you had a shin cup you wouldn't say you were done when you still had the dregs (see last picture for example of dregs) left. Interesting piece, though!

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