CP-X501 visual overview

For those of you still waiting for this device to hit the local shops, here are the photos of what final production model CP-X501 looks like.

One side of the box. It looks a lot like an X301 box, except that it's in colour.

The other side of the box. It has 'WiFi Certified' sticker on it.

Open the box to reveal the components inside. The packaging is pretty much a rehash of X301 one. You have the device, batteries, cables, cradle, and the thick manual.

The bare phone and the cradle.

The batteries and the remote control. X501's stylus resides in the remote control unit instead of the device itself.

Back of the device without batteries. The battery snaps in by inserting the top edge, then pushing down the bottom.

X501 on the cradle, with the extra battery getting charged at the back of the cradle. Battery charge light shows up on the bottom right of the cradle.

There isn't a screen protection film for the X501 out yet (screen size is 2.4", and the smallest PDA phones before X501 had 2.8" screens) so I cut the one intended for X301 (3.0" size, btw) to make it fit on X501.

The X501 with the protecton film on.


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