Watching the 2nd launch of Nuri (KSLV-II)

Nuri rocket at lift-off on 16:00, June 21, 2022, KST (Click for full size)

I visited Nangdo island in Yeosu about two hours before the second test launch of Nuri, a.k.a. KSLV-II. This place is about 17km away from the launchpad #2 at Naro Space Center in Goheung and is the closest place that you can watch the launch without any obstruction. The weather was extremely cooperative for photo and video shooting, so I was able to get some really nice photos. The following are some of the major shots I was able to get.

14:57 - Nuri on the launchpad with the erector (click for full size)
15:12 - The erector starts to move away (click for full size)

15:31 - With the erector fully retracted, Nuri is nearly ready (click for full size)

16:00 - Nuri soars through the sky just after lift-off (click for full size)

16:01 - Nuri is climbing steadily and getting smaller (click for full size)

16:02 - Nuri's 2nd stage ignites (click for full size)

Device: Nikon P1000
Settings: 3000mm - f/8 (ISO 400 - 1/250s)
Filters: Hoya Fusion Antistatic CIR-PL
Time: 2022-06-21 14:57-16:02 KST
Location: Yeosu, Korea


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