Ten steps of a successful Sci-Fi TV show

1 ) Create a sci-fi TV show. Somehow, it piques interest of geeks.
2 ) Cancel it for any reason somewhere along the way.
3 ) Watch rabid fans howling at you to bring the show back.
4 ) Create a grand-scale movie sequel to the original series.
5 ) Watch it become a box office success.
6 ) Eventually create a new follow-up TV series.
7 ) Create a movie sequel which is basically an expanded TV episode.
8 ) Repeat steps 6) and 7).
9 ) You may cram in an animated version of the series somewhere. Fans will not consider it 'canon'.
10) Eventually you run out of any creative ideas, the show hits a plateau, and it is cancelled. No one cares anymore.

This is basically how the famous Star Trek franchise basically went through in its 40-year history.

Right now, there's a sci-fi series that was aired and cancelled by Fox called 'Firefly', which has been recommended to me for watching. Apparently the show's been cancelled only after a few months of running, but is supposedly quite good. I'll be planning to watch it soon, but incidentally there's also a movie sequel called 'Serenity' coming up. I wonder if it'll go beyond step 4? We'll see.


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