Impeachment of Yoon at the National Assembly

The impeachment rally in front of the National Assembly on December 14, 2024

At 5 PM, December 14, 2024, National Assembly of the Republic of Korea passed the motion to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol on its second attempt. This was the culmination of the huge backlash that was caused by the short-lived martial law that Yoon imposed on December 3. I joined the pro-impeachment rally that was taking place all over Yeouido, and held a spot right in front of the entrance to the National Assembly building from around 2:40 PM.

When the motion finally passed, the entire crowd erupted in a huge celebration, and the press photographers seized the chance to record the moment. As it turned out, I was in the frame in several instances:

- Korea Economic Daily (Hankyung)
- Hankyoreh (1), (2)
- Chosun Ilbo
- Hankook Ilbo (4th photo)
- Seoul Shinmun
- Dailian
- OhMyNews (3rd & 10th photos)
- Edaily
- Yonhap News (1), (2) [on Hankook Ilbo's Extra Edition (1), (2)]
- Workers' Solidarity

On a related note, I uploaded a video to YouTube that shows how things went from my perspective that day.
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