Site upgraded to s9y 0.9

It must be an upgrade week! The site's MySQL framework was recently upgraded to 5.0 as the new version became official release. Today, s9y was upgraded to version 0.9 officially. Obviously the site was updated accordingly. There have been some minor hiccups, which I'll note later. But other than that, things seem to be working okay.

Things I like about this release:
- Native UTF-8 support: now I don't have to edit the language files to have the site running in full UTF-8 mode.
- Better SPARTACUS: plugin updates got better.
- Improved management UI: multiple file uploads, returns to overview page after managing entries/comments, and so on.
- Flexible permalink: I guess now I have more control over the URL of my blog.

And much, much more. If you see any problems on the site, tell me about it. I've adjusted the settings to have the site running properly with the upgrade, but maybe I missed something out.


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Wesley's Tool-Box on : Problem with limited MySQL user and s9y

Continue reading "Problem with limited MySQL user and s9y"
MySQL documentation gives some examples of creating users in MySQL. Among the examples are creating users that only have access to a specific database, or 'tied-to-database', as I say. This is preferred from a security standpoint because you can avoid usi


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