The Second Portable Athlon (4/10)
Posted by Wesley onUnlike the original, the new Portable Athlon was not to have a schematic or even a simple layout sketch. I only had a list of dimensions for the panels to be cut out for the work. The master layout was in my brain, and I cut and drilled the holes according to it. I realized that, if I were to only make one masterpiece out of the work, it would prove inefficient to make a schematic first.
My only tools were the cordless drill and a coping saw. If I had some specialized tools, it would've save me a lot of time, but I decided to trust my skills on the generic tools. This is how the back panel of the case looked like after working on it for some three hours.
After about 50 near-straight hours of work, the case had finally been completed. This was to be my first-ever fully independent creation, which is quite in contrast to the original Portable Athlon, which the case was done by a professional craftsman with me only pointing out where to drill the holes. I was quite proud, but extremely tired at the same time.