The Heatpipe Mod on XPPort-II (10/11)

Ramsinks installed on the front side

And the front side gets its share of the ramsinks. One of the ramsinks are slanted here, too, but to avoid the heatpipe next to it this time. Overall, most of the ramsinks get a good coverage of the chips despite the obstacles.

Finalized look of the heatpiped system

Finally, all heatsinks and heatpipes are installed into the system. The PSU heatpipe system spreads the heat away from the video card, while the video card's heatpipe system cools the GPU with an active AMD-logo'ed fan. Ramsinks support texture memory overclocking. It looks pretty spiffy, but ultimately, the verdict lies in how far I can push it.


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torry on :

Guys, heatpipe only adds thermal resistance, you better off bolting heatsink right on the heat source and dissipating it there. Here is the link to thermal load calculator and simulator, look at the bottom of the page:

Wesley on :

Unfortunately, many of the heat sources are facing inwards, or otherwise make it difficult to put heat sink directly over and cool them, necessitating heat pipes to redirect heat. Thanks for the link, in any case.

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