Living in a world with spampr0n

Spam senders have gotten creative every passing day. Nowadays, blocks of seemingly coherent, but machine-generated sentences often appear in the spams. Some of them seem to be taken out of passages from dirty novels, resulting in some sort of spam porns, or 'spampr0n' as I call it. Some may call it spamporn or spampron. Snippets from recent correspondence regarding the issue:

Ash Darqfyre:
Yes men problems crappy lecherous politician while looks?
you've been reading spampr0ns again?
Ash Darqfyre:
hahah indeed i have
Ash Darqfyre:
Shape swirling around pole floor just appeal.
Ash Darqfyre:
these are masterpieces of the literate world
we live in 21st century and we get free spampr0ns in mailboxes
sounds like a jav titles
unimaginable for those 19th century sci-fi writers
Ash Darqfyre:
imagine, 100 years from now, these works will be hailed as the 21st century works of art
Ash Darqfyre:
now, i need to find a way to make haiku spampr0ns


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