Business trip to Ulsan

The rolling scenery

I'm writing this in a train with my notebook and an HSDPA internet modem as I cruise down from Suwon to Ulsan in a 4-and-a-half-hour trip. As always, it's good to live in a wired (wireless?) country.

K-EMS project is progressing one step further as a monthly meeting is held to gather all parties from the project. This month happens to take place in Ulsan, my hometown, and I've been called to join the senior staffs. I would have time to visit my parents, of course.

And the train curves in

I rarely travel on a train to visit Ulsan, and I think this is the first time in half a decade. This is because the city is located away from the artery of the South Korean railway, Gyeongbu line, and thus, despite having a population of more than 1.1 million, major passenger trains only come by about four times in each direction. Luckily, the meeting time seems to have taken the mediocre train schedule into account. Great stuff.

So I should have some interesting time taking part in the meetings, seeing my parents, and generally try to have fun. Toon-Box will return next week, by the way.


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