App selected as "New & Noteworthy"

Thank you for noticing! (Click for larger image)
Only into its third day of sale, Apple recognized the "Korean Power Grid Info" app and put it right on top of the Business category of the Korean App Store, listing it under "New & Noteworthy" section. It's doing okay on the popularity as well (peaked at #15 on the free apps in the category, and doing #16 as of this writing), so I hope a lot more people will notice and download the app for some time to come.

Meanwhile, the app is chugging along slightly below top 100 in the Business category in the US App Store. I'm guessing a few Koreans are downloading from there, which in turn keeps the rank up. An app review and listing site called PodGate is listing the app as one of the top 100 most popular. Rank floats around #92 to #98 so far.

Chip off the old block

Left: Me (1981), Right: Daughter (2010)

People ask whom my daughter resembles the most - me or my wife. To them I answer with this photo I took yesterday. On the left, a picture of myself when I was barely a year old is on the screen. On the right, my daughter Celine is being hugged by my wife. We look a lot alike, don't you think? :-)

First iPhone app now in App Store!

Korea Power Grid Info (대한민국 전력망 정보) listed in iTunes App Store

Three months of labouring has finally seen light. Apple has approved my first iPhone app and is now listed under 'Business' section of iTunes App Store worldwide. It's called "Korean Power Grid Info" - more info on or App Store. Folks who want to see how much Korea as a whole spends electricity in real-time should find this app useful.

FYI, the app is released under Korean Power Exchange instead of my name or because it represents the app best. All relevant data and information comes from there. gets a makeover Logo for 2010 website got a complete makeover, and moved the hosting to instead of a subpage in The old pages still exist, but are not actively linked anymore. Why the change? One reason is that the old one was languishing - it has been left as it is for about five years now. But of course, if there was nothing to add, there wouldn't have been much of a reason to overhaul it. So... you know what this means. A new application is coming up! And it's for iPhone, no less.

You can head over to the Products page at the new website to check out what's new. This new app called "Korea Power Grid Info" is a result of 4 months of self-teaching and 2 1/2 months of hair-pulling development. This app should be most useful to folks in the electric industry, but general users who has an interest in conserving electricity should take a look, as well.

The app is currently in the review process at Apple, and I hope it gets approved soon.

Grandpa passes away

My grandpa had become seriously weak since last year, and his health never really recovered since then. I did took two days off to visit him a couple of days ago with my wife and daughter - grandpa was barely able to open his eyes then. Little did we know that this was the last we would see him alive.

He finally passed away around 8AM today.

I'm taking a plane to Ulsan now. May he rest in peace.

Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.