WDSoft.com website moved

WDSoft.com Logo
WDSoft.com Logo
I have finally decided on what to do with rest of my other websites. WDSoft.com, my software company, just had its English website moved to become part of Tool-Box.info website. This signals the start of restructuring the "Wesley's World" website around the current "Wesley's Tool-Box" framework. All related websites will move into here in a similar fashion.

For now, the new website can be accessed from the sidebar at the right.
(Update 2005-08-01 02:07 -- Korean version of the website has also been moved)

Old Tool-Box site purged

The old Wesley's Tool-Box website hosted at wesleyc.com has been cleared out. All pages were replaced with placeholders that redirect the visitors to this site. To lessen the possible confusion each placeholders have an equivalent link that lets a visitor go to the intended content on this site. Eventually I might just remove all the files.

Because the 'old site' is no longer 'accessible' the link has now been removed from the sidebar.

PSP f/w 2.00 and Wesley's Tool-Box

The main page...

Well, with the new 2.00 firmware for PlayStation Portable, there's a web browser inside. I tried it out with... what else? My website. It loads nicely, although CSS stylesheet isn't exactly doing its job right.

Scrolling down...

Nevertheless, it works without too much hitch, and other websites work, too, more or less. The input method is pretty crude, though, so I hope there's a USB keyboard for this coming out soon.

Serendipity has full Korean support

Administration page snapshot

I have just finished all the Korean translations for the core s9y package in the trunk. That includes the main language file, all the plug-ins, and the Kubrick template which needs a separate language file. They're available in the SVN trunk now, and should come with subsequent nightly snapshots and eventually, 0.9 release.

When I started using s9y 3 weeks ago, Korean localization had been effectively nonexistant. Now I believe it has the become on par with the German and English versions for the package itself. With the translation in place, I think s9y can cater to a wider audience - there have been very few Korean folks using s9y at this moment probably due to the lack of Korean support.


Wet, and cool.

Wow, I never thought it'd rain this much all of a sudden.