Portable Athlon Reborn

It's already been more than a month since a new system had taken place of the Portable Athlon. It was replaced by none other than its descendant, XPPort-II, a.k.a. Portable Athlon II. I still have some improvements planned for the machine, but I decided that it deserved its own article since it has already reached stable operating conditions. As the technological advance of 18 months show, the new version is faster, more powerful and especially, beautiful in the dark. :-) Go ahead and enjoy!

New Content... Finally

It's been quite some time since I've added an article to this site. Now that the FIFA World Cup 2002 Korea/Japan is coming to an end this week and that the semester is over, I've got some time to do some projects and write stuff again. Also, I'd hate to see the new server move going to waste. :-) The new article was done by a popular demand - how to create an LCD monitor by yourself. It's not just the computer box that gets to be customized - now the monitor can, too.

Moving to New Server

The hosting company Netsgo, in which the websites of Wesley's World including this one was home to, will close its service at the end of this month. Therefore, Wesley's World websites are being moved to Wesley Chung's main domain, www.wesleyc.com. This site can now be reached at www.wesleyc.com/box/. You can continue to reach this site by www.tool-box.info address.

Wearable Computing Project translated

The Wearable Computing Project, which has been getting a lot of attention since it was introduced in the December issue of I Love PC, has been completely translated to Korean. Other translations are on hold; I have finals to prepare. -_-;

This entry was originally in Korean only. -July 2005

Site Design Changes

The much needed revamp of the site design has finally been done! The 5-year-old design that had been around since the very beginning of the site was deemed too archaic. There has also been a name change; this site is now called 'Wesley's Tool-Box' instead of 'Wesley's Computer Hardware Zone' to reflect the change in domain name. Meanwhile, http://wdsoftware.lab.cc URL no longer works, so use the new domain name. The Korean translations have not been finished, so please wait. Currently, only the two first articles that had already been translated have been moved to here.

This entry was originally in Korean only. -July 2005

Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.