Old articles are completely imported

All previous Wesley's Tool-Box articles are brought to this place now. Relevant pictures have been uploaded so they show up without any problem. Internal links referencing different articles have also been checked and edited to point to the correct article within this place. What's NOT been checked or corrected are external links present in the articles - this is deliberate. Some links simply don't exist anymore, and some links could be present in a different URL now but I do not have the motivation to do all the checks and corrections. So basically the links are there for historical value now, and if you're willing, there's Internet Archive to see what it looked like at the time.

You may also notice that the blog is now named "Wesley's Tool-Box" instead of "Wesley's Experimental Blog" to indicate that this place is going to replace the static website which has pretty much been dead in the waters for the last... 3 years? Geez. I've attempted renewal at one point but I guess it never did go through all the way. Anyhow, now I need to bring all the ramblings from the old site and the transfer should be complete in terms of content.

After that, it's design change time...

In process of bringing old articles here

All the goodies at the old Wesley's Tool-Box website are being transferred MANUALLY. Yuck.

At the moment I'm completely ignoring verifying/fixing of the links in the articles (most of them are dead, I think), but the images are uploaded to the new system one. There are 72 pages of articles involved and as a test of how thing would move around I have moved two articles (11 pages total) at the moment.

You'll see the old, OLD dated articles filling up at the back. It'll all be browsable soon.

This is where it starts anew

Wow, how did it come to this?

A blog? On Wesley's own website? Running on a Mac?

Truly, this was unthinkable even back in last year. Times sure have changed.
Good news for you folks - the website might actually get updated frequently!

I still haven't decided on the site design, and the whole place is bare, so bear with me here.
The forums have also been reset, and the place needs to be customized, too.

Blowing Some Dust Off

I'm doing/done extensive HTML-level fixes and optimizations on all of the web pages here which won't be very obvious to the casual visitors but will greatly simplify the way I maintain this website. Currently, the main pages have been updated but the actual articles are not affected yet. I also need to specify the URL redirection changes to the host.

Heatpipe Madness

Heat problems have plagued the XPPort-II (a.k.a. Portable Athlon II) due to the high-performance components that make up the system, while having too cramped a space to have sufficient cooling applied. The solution was to use heatpipes to move the heat to where it can be properly cooled. Read on to find out how this helped stability and overclocking.

Copyright (C) 1996-2024 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.