This is where it starts anew

Wow, how did it come to this?

A blog? On Wesley's own website? Running on a Mac?

Truly, this was unthinkable even back in last year. Times sure have changed.
Good news for you folks - the website might actually get updated frequently!

I still haven't decided on the site design, and the whole place is bare, so bear with me here.
The forums have also been reset, and the place needs to be customized, too.


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Wesley's Tool-Box on : now forwards to here

Continue reading " now forwards to here"
Okay, so the transition is official as of now. Wesley's Tool-Box is now serving from this new website. There is a link on the right that still takes you to the old pages, but all the contents are here, so that link's just for reference (well, it'll be ta

Wesley's Tool-Box on : now forwards to here

Continue reading " now forwards to here"
Okay, so the transition is official as of now. Wesley's Tool-Box is now serving from this new website. There is a link on the right that still takes you to the old pages, but all the contents are here, so that link's just for reference (well, it'll be ta

Wesley's Tool-Box on : Transition is complete

Continue reading "Transition is complete"
I have relieved the old G4 Mac mini of its web server functions for the final time on 7PM, July 10, 2008, as all my websites have finished transitioning to iMac. The Mac mini faithfully served as the server for for 1100 days -

Wesley's Tool-Box on : Site renewal ahead of blog's 20th anniversary

Continue reading "Site renewal ahead of blog's 20th anniversary"
Updated Favicon The first time I logged online was back in 1996, via the then-popular but now-defunct Nownuri online service. Later that year, I was able to connect to the Internet and create my own web page, hosted on another service provider's server.


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Copyright (C) 1996-2025 Woo-Duk Chung (Wesley Woo-Duk Hwang-Chung). All rights reserved.