Tonight's photos of ISS

Snapshots of ISS in the sky using Canon SX50 HS
Snapshots of ISS in the sky
There was another bright pass of International Space Station over the sky this evening. I set up my Canon SX50 HS camera on a nearby park and tried my best to take photos of them.

As always, photographing a tiny object moving at 1 arc degree per second at 50x zoom fully manually isn't really going to work out very well. Even if I somehow catch it at the edge of the frame, it'll exit it in about 1.6 seconds. It only took about 3 minutes for the station to go across the sky and I've only managed to get four shots of it, two of which I'm showing here. They're crops magnified by 2x.

Compared to my first attempt with the same camera, the shot on the left do show the solar panels on the station more distinctly. As the ISS streaked from west to east, its orientation as visible from the ground changed, as is evident between the two photos. It seems that it would be best to try photographing it as soon as it started becoming visible, as the shape looks more recognizable.

Photo 1(Left): 1200mm - ISO 200 - 1/400s (-3.1 mag.)
Photo 2(Right): 1200mm - ISO 200 - 1/200s (-3.9 mag.)
Camera: Canon SX50 HS
Location: Suwon, Korea
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