Is it just me, or is the valley annoying?

Have you been to the new service Naver's put out this month? I'm talking about the 'Item Valley' thingie here. You can see the menu appearing on the left-hand side of the top bar.

The problem is, of course, this is just another way of Naver trying to make money out of you and me. But the most strikingly annoying part of the deal is this: as an opening event, they're handing out 5 'silver coins', which is supposedly the kind of cybercash that Item Valley will accept. They're positioning the value of each of the coins as 100 won. Okay, that doesn't sound a lot, but the thing is that most of the items now on for sale costs... 7 coins! You're basically 2 coins short.

Now that they've been running the service for a while, I can see stuff valued at 8 coins, or the 'random' generator that costs 6 coins. Still, there's nothing you can buy with the free 5 coins you now have. You have to make a payment if those coins were to be of any use, but you can't just buy one or two coins; you have to pay a minimum of 1000 won, which gets you... you guessed it - 10 coins. So basically, me being a Scrooge of sorts, probably would spend 6 coins on the random thingie, but that would be like paying ten times what I'm going to spend in the first place.

This is freakin' annoying.

From "Wesley's Filling Up of Empty Space" at Naver Blog - August 2005
One of the rare originally-written-in-English entries at Naver Blog.


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