The Second Portable Athlon (9/10)

The Portable Athlon II's official name is, as mentioned earlier, XPPort-II. This is to signify that it uses Athlon XP, and that it's the second portable unit I've built. The monitor has not been integrated to the system yet, so I need to use the portable monitor that I made earlier instead when I need to carry the whole system around. Most of the peripherals were carried over from the original system, as you can see.

The front and the top view, respectively. The yellow button is the power button and it lights up when the system is operational. The red button is the reset button, and it lights up when the hard disk is being accessed. You can see the front case fan pulling the hot air from the CPU cooler and exhausting it (it's a good thing to avoid facing it directly), as well as the slim size CD-ROM and floppy drive combo. To facilitate connection of the peripherals, I made all the connectors to face up, so I can simply plug stuff from top. By doing this, I do not need to face back to connect, nor do I have to create a front bay. There isn't much space for that in front anyway.

The view from the side. The LED lights liven up the mood of the computer system effectively, with distinctive green-blue-green spotlights. I think it looks far better than using the neon light tubes, which was the initial plan.


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