The Second Portable Athlon (10/10)

The system is busy running MadOnion 3DMark2001 benchmark. It's quite a performer, actually, currently ranked at #1 in its class, defined as the group of systems using Athlon XP 1800+ (1500 ~ 1567MHz) CPU and GeForce4 MX440 based video card. It's also the 2nd fastest MX440 based system that uses Athlon XP 1900+ or under as the CPU. The results are uploaded in MadOnion's Online Result Browser database here, with the 3DMark score of 6628. Average score for the same configuration is around 5300 3DMarks.

The side view of the system in the dark. The glow is pleasant to look at.

Here are the specifications of the main system:

CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1700+(1467MHz, 1.75V) AGOIA  @ 1537MHz, 1.525V
Cooler: Zalman CNPS5100-Cu, fan @ 5V (silent mode, ~20dB)
Chipset / FSB: VIA KT333 AGPset / 170.8MHz (341.6MHz DDR)
Memory: 512MB (KingMax PC2700 DDR 256MB x 2) @ 341.6MHz DDR
Video Card: Garnet GeForce4 MX440 Pro @ 320MHz core / 595MHz memory
Sound Card: Creative SoundBlaster Audigy
LAN Card: Realtek RTL8139C based 100Mbps Ethernet
Expansion: IEEE-1394(FireWire) x 4, USB 2.0 x 4
CD-ROM: LG CRN-8245B (24x CD-ROM Read)
Floppy: 1.44MB x 1
Power Supply: Matrix Power MB300-VA (300W, PFC)
Total Fans: System x 3, CPU x 1, Video x 1 (all 60mm, 5V operation, ~3000rpm)
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2
Total Weight: 5.44kg (12.0Lb)

With this much functionality and performance, it will probably surpass the power of any computer system packed in twelve pounds. :-) Well, that's it for now! The system will be continually upgraded, of course. I will try to post another article as dramatic developments take place. Until, then, see you around!


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