The Heatpipe Mod on XPPort-II (3/11)

I opened the package and laid out the parts that were necessary. You might notice that there are more than enough parts to make two heatpipe systems, and you've seen it right. I will only be using a part of these components for the video card cooling. What are the other parts for? You'll eventually find out.

All the parts are gathered

Due to the height restraints of my system, I needed to mill down the heatsink bases by about 1mm. Normally, the whole heatsink base should be coloured yellow, but as you can see in the top left side of the picture above, that is no longer the case.

Installing the heatsink base

Also, the heatpipes cannot be laid down in the length direction of the video card as it would normally be preferred (see here). This is because the right hand edge of the video card would come in near-direct contact with the power supply module in my system, leaving absolutely no room for heatpipes to go around. So I had to make the heatpipe go around the top part of the video card, where there would be sufficient room. This is why the heatsink base would be installed in a strange way as you can see in this picture.


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