The Heatpipe Mod on XPPort-II (5/11)

After the heatpipe is inserted into the heatsink bases, the last step I needed to do is place the appropriate heatsink on each side and fasten it with bolts. Again, I needed to apply the contact points with sufficient amount of thermal paste so that heat can be seamlessly transferred to and from the heatpipe for effective thermal dissipation.

Front side of the video card

This is how the front side of the video card looks after the installation. This small heatsink is the standard front side heatsink for ZM50-HP model, and if it were not for the heatpipe linking to another heatsink at the back, it would have been completely insufficient for cooling the GF4 Ti4200 core that lied beneath it.

Back side of the video card

Flip the video card and you see this. The huge heatsink here is the aforementioned standard back side heatsink for ZM80-HP model, and thanks to the heatpipe most of the heat dissipation happens here without overloading the front side heatsink. You may wonder how this card can actually be plugged into the system without problems since the heatsink obviously extends beyond the AGP port connector. It's true that this card cannot be installed on a standard system...


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