Building Makibox (Part 1)

Opening up the box of parts for Makibox

After the Christmas festivities died down and the kids were put to sleep, I got to work on building the Makibox A6 HT. The kit had an assorted array of plastic and metal parts, as well as some pre-built parts like the main circuit board and nozzle. It also came with a detailed (but slightly buggy) assembly instruction.

If things went smoothly, I would've finished building it and had some time to sleep. But apparently that would not be the case. Hiccups along the way dragged down the build speed, and I could only finish about half way through before getting one hour of sleep and going to work. If you want to hear what happened, keep reading.
Continue reading "Building Makibox (Part 1)"

Makibox 3D printer lands in Korea

Unboxing the Makibox A6 HT

Makibox, the start-up project that aimed to deliver usable but low cost ($300 for a heated bed version) 3D printer, appeared in February 2012. Hoping to get one by the end of the year, I ordered one on September 1, 2012. Unfortunately, the project saw significant delays.

It finally did arrive at the end of the year, on December 24. It's just that it arrived one full year later than expected, in 2013. Nevertheless, it was a nice Christmas gift. This unit may be the first Makibox to arrive in Korea.

I'll be assembling this over the weekend, after Christmas holidays are over. Stay tuned.
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