Astrophotography with Superzoom

12-photo collection of Saturn shot with Canon SX50 HS
Saturn, shot by Canon SX50 HS

These are untouched photographs of Saturn taken by my new Canon SX50 HS digital camera on a tripod without any additional equipment. The 50x optical zoom seemed to be just at the edge of producing some interesting photographs of the planets, which was the motivation for the camera's purchase. Saturn was the first candidate to test this out. One, it is up in the night sky for several hours these days, unlike the other planets which go down the horizon after early evening. Two, its rings made it easy to identify.
Camera was looking out the window to see the planet
How it was done

As it turns out, it fared as expected. I used the following settings to get the photos.

Aperture: f/6.5
Shutter Speed: 1/30s
Sensitivity: ISO 80
White Balance: Daylight
Focus: Infinity
Focal Length: 1200mm (35mm Equiv.)

I took about 40 photos in the period of 11:15PM and 11:25PM KST, June 1, 2013. Among those, the twelve photos cropped and shown here in its original resolution are what I think were among the best ones. Using these, I was able to get a nice composite photo using a stacking software. Given the fact that the photos were taken against a light polluted city sky, I think the camera did a great job.
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Wesley's Tool-Box on : Saturn in the morning

Continue reading "Saturn in the morning"
Hi again, SaturnSaturn is the first planet I photographed with my Canon SX50 HS back in June 2013. The rings made it clear that I was shooting a planet, and served as a great first target. Since then, I got around to taking photos of other planets, satell


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Eugene on :

Hi Wesley,
Thanks for all the astro photography tips you posted here, I am learning a lot from you.

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