ISS overhead approach

Three processed photographs of ISS taken with Canon SX50 HS
ISS gets bigger as it rises overhead

Just a day after successful testing of the iPhone-based tracker, ISS made a nearly direct overhead approach in the sky as seen from my house. This would provide an excellent opportunity to take biggest shots of the station because it would be at the shortest distance from the observer when it's directly overhead.

44-frame animation of the International Space Station coming closer
ISS incoming
As the space station rose in the southwestern sky at 6AM, I began tracking it with iPhone 5S and taking shots with SX50 HS. More than 200 shots were taken, and 44 photos deemed of good quality were selected for processing. You can see the animated version of the approach here, as well as the stacked version that bring out the detail of the station at three points of the observation.

This is the first time I could properly see the full spread of ISS in my photos - the solar panels and the main modules of the station in the iconic H shape configuration are clear and large, especially when it was only about 500km away. I'm frankly amazed that a point-and-shoot bridge camera could photograph a satellite this well even under ideal circumstances. We live in amazing times.

Settings: 1200mm (2x enlarged) - ISO 80 - 1/640s
Photos: 13 frames / 9 frames / 8 frames stacked using RegiStax
Time: 2013-11-12 06:00 - 06:02 KST
Location: Suwon, Korea
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Wesley's Tool-Box on : ISS flyover at Naju Bitgaram City

Continue reading "ISS flyover at Naju Bitgaram City"
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