Half-day in Fukuoka for iPhone 6 Plus (2/2)

Apple's own silicone & leather cases for iPhone 6

With the sale of iPhone 6 series, some accessories were on sale at the Apple Store Fukuoka Tenjin. This included basic screen protectors (all in anti-fingerprint type, sadly) and Apple's own cases, as you see here. They looked nice and durable, but I prefer something transparent, so I decided against buying one.

Now entering Canal City Hakata

After spending about an hour at the Apple Store, it was now around 6PM. I moved to Canal City Hakata for dinner. I would have to be back to the airport by 8PM, and it takes nearly an hour at worst to make it there from Tenjin / Hakata area. So I couldn't make a stop at anywhere else.

Finding the way around in Canal City

Canal City Hakata is a huge shopping mall built around small canals and is rightly called "a city within a city". Without some guide maps, it's easy to get lost. I wanted to go to the Ramen Stadium on the 5th floor.

Escalator to the 5th floor

After some searching, I found a central escalator that operated on all the floors except for the 5th. Upon arriving on the 4th floor, I was able to locate the escalator that leads to that place relatively easily.

The Ramen Stadium

At Ramen Stadium, some of the most famous ramen restaurants are gathered in one place for you to choose.

The ticket vending machine

After taking a look around, I decided to eat at Hakata Shinpu. For the first time in several years, I got to face the menu ordering ticket vending machine.

Waiting for the ramen

After making my choice, I handed the ticket to the chef and eagerly waited for my meal.

Black tonkotsu ramen with boiled eggs

And there it was. A nice tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen that wasn't too heavy on the flavouring. After emptying my bowl, I headed back to the airport. I arrived just before 8PM, so I had no problems with catching my flight home. The plane landed around 10:30 PM, so it was the first time I had brought a new iPhone to Korea before the launch day was over. It was one heck of a day.


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