Constellation Andromeda

Andromeda constellation and galaxy taken by Canon SX50 HS
Andromeda - constellation & galaxy (18% size)

Taking photos of constellations with SX50 HS continues with Andromeda as the target. This one is next to the W-shaped Cassiopeia, so it's easy to spot. With the use of long exposure and filter, the stars making up the constellation nicely shows up in the photo.

Even the faint Andromeda Galaxy can be seen, although it's nothing like the spectacular photos you see in other places. If I were to try to duplicate that sort of feat, I would need to go out of the city and use a star tracker.

Settings: Canon SX50 HS - 48mm - ISO 1600 - 15s - f/4.0
Filters: Baader M&S applied
Time: 2013-12-14 23:51 - 23:57 KST
Location: Suwon, Korea
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