Half-day trip to Osaka for iPhone 7 (1/2)

Leaving for Osaka from Busan Gimhae Int'l Airport

Visiting Japan to buy the new iPhone on the launch day seems like it's become a regular thing, but a lot of luck is needed to make it happen Thankfully, I was still fortunate enough to make a quick visit to Osaka for an in-store pick-up. As my family was visiting Ulsan for the Chuseok holidays, I rode on the plane that departed from the nearby Busan Gimhae International Airport.

Nankai Railway ticket counter at Osaka Kansai Int'l Airport

A 75-minute flight later, I was at the Kansai International Airport. I moved quickly to ride on the Airport Express serviced by Nankai Railway because I had to make it to the Apple Store downtown before the reserved time was over.

Osaka Shinsaibashi Apple Store, we meet again

As luck would have it I indeed arrived just in time, and the staff got me to line up with other people who made reservation.

People lining up to buy the new iPhone 7 at the Apple Store

At the other end of the store was apparently a line for those who wanted an iPhone 7 but wasn't able to make a reservation. It was expectedly much longer, and there was still a queue outside the store.

Stock of the various models of iPhone 7 over the counter

As you can see here, the new jet (glossy) black colour was overly popular and was very low in stock. Situation isn't much different online.

This iPhone 7 now has an owner

After about 20 minutes of waiting, I had my reserved iPhone in my hands - a matte black iPhone 7 with 256GB storage. I was sorely needing the extra storage because of all the photos I take every day. And to think I once thought 128GB might be good enough.

A quick backside comparison between iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

Before leaving the store, I took a brief look at an iPhone 7 Plus as well and put it side by side with an iPhone 7. Other than the obvious size difference, the dual camera stood out. It looked a bit strange, but some quick tests I did on it worked very well.

Celine prepares to unbox the iPhone 7

Once I had my new iPhone, I brought the phone to Korea later in the day so that Celine could do her annual unboxing.

Interestingly, the box no longer was shrink wrapped and was instead covered with plastic sheet that had a pull tab. It was much easier an safer for her to do the unboxing. I'll talk about what I did between the store visit and the return flight in the next post.


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Wesley's Tool-Box on : How loud is the camera if an iPhone's from Korea or Japan?

Continue reading "How loud is the camera if an iPhone's from Korea or Japan?"
Measuring the camera shutter sound of the iPhone 4S with the iPad Pro 9.7" In Korea or Japan, loud camera shutter sounds from smartphones are a fact of life due to the voluntary standards for the camera-equipped cellphones meant to ease privacy concerns.


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