Wearable Computing Project (9/10)

Now I can show you the individual close-ups of the system. They are not the current look, as they will be shown in the Part 2 of this article later on since it is more relevant there. First, the main system, comfortably enclosed within a modified tote bag.
The overall look of the main system This is how it looks when the cover is open

The whole thing measures a bit longer than 20cm either way. The picture on the left shows how the system looks like when not in use. Notice that there are two battery packs, as mentioned earlier. The unit weighs approximately 2.5kg. The battery pack and the system is responsible for nearly half of the weight, each. The picture on the right shows what happens if I decide to use it. I've made a ventilation hole so that the CPU doesn't suffocate and overheat. You can see the monitor cable sticking out at the top, which resembles a casual IDE data cable. It's actually narrower than that, but due to the tight pin-out, it has 44 wires. You could say it's mechanically (not electrically) compatible with the 2.5" hard disk's IDE cable.
The battery connector The input devices of the wearable

On the left, you can see how the power supply receives power from the batteries. I've made a small circuit that harness the power from the batteries and combine them in serial fashion, sending 30V DC to the power supply. On the right, the input devices were taken out for a showing. The trackball is loaded into the left side pocket, while keyboard goes into the right side one. The earphones are housed in a case that's attached on the flap of the left side pocket. The case is detachable because it is attached via Velcro. Now let's see how it looks like when I wear it.


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